Section 1.

There shall be three classes of membership: Active, Honorary and Business Affiliate. Active members shall be dues paying members with the  right to vote, hold office and serve on the Board of Directors. Honorary members  shall be exempt from paying dues. Business Affiliate members shall be non voting, dues paying members. They shall not be eligible to hold office or serve  on the Board of Directors. 

Section 2.

Active Members: Each active member shall be a professional  person in a Wisconsin School System who is charged with major responsibility  for personnel administration in that school system or a designated representative  from any Wisconsin college, university or other nonprofit career services office  and any department of education at the college, university or state level. 

In the event of a change in job or job duties, the individual may continue  organizational membership and responsibilities for the remainder of the current  membership year/term of office. 

Section 3.

Honorary Members: Honorary membership shall be accorded  by the Board of Directors. Eligibility for honorary status includes meeting any of  the following criteria: 

a. Member currently employed in and retiring from Education. 

b. Member leaving the profession with a minimum of three years of  Association service - including holding an office, serving on the  Board of Directors, handling a special assignment, or being a  designated representative of the Association. 

Section 4.

Business Affiliate members: Business Affiliate membership may  be awarded by the Board of Directors to representatives of organizations who  provide information or services related to Education and whose organizational  goals are compatible with those of WASPA. 

Section 5.

Admission to Membership

a. Application for membership, accompanied by the annual dues, shall  be made to the WASPA Office. 

b. Individual membership in any WASPA affiliated organization shall  not be a requirement for WASPA membership. 

c. The Executive Director is authorized to keep a record of Active, Honorary and Business Affiliate members qualified in accordance  with this Article. 

d. The Executive Director shall recommend individuals to the Board of  Directors for approval of Honorary and Business Affiliate  membership status. 

Section 6.

Removal from Membership 

Any member may be removed from membership upon recommendation of the  Board of Directors and a majority vote of the members eligible and present  approving such recommendation at a general membership business meeting. 


Section 1.

The officers of this Association shall be President, President Elect, Immediate Past President, Secretary and Treasurer. 

a. The President-Elect shall be elected annually and serve one year as  President-Elect, one year as President and one year as Immediate Past  President. 

b. The Secretary and Treasurer shall serve three year terms. The  Secretary and Treasurer terms should be staggered so they don’t conclude in the  same year.  

c. Newly elected and appointed officers shall assume office at the  close of the spring conference and serve until their successors have been  elected and authorized to take office. 

d. Unexpired terms shall be filled by a President appointee.                     

e. Each officer shall be a member of this Association in good standing.

Section 2.

Duties of the President 

The President shall preside at Association conferences following election, and at  all meetings. The President shall appoint directors and perform such other duties  as pertain to this office. 

Section 3.

Duties of President-Elect 

The President-Elect shall preside in the absence of the President at all  Association meetings and shall act as program chairperson for all Association  conferences. The President-Elect shall appoint a committee of not less than  three people, in addition to the Treasurer, for the purpose of auditing the financial  records of the Association for presentation at the spring conference. 

Section 4.

Duties of the Immediate Past President 

The Immediate Past President shall chair the Nominating Committee and shall  represent the Association at AASPA's national conference and shall assist the  Executive Director in overseeing event agendas to prevent overlap in topics and  presenters. 

Section 5.

Duties of the Secretary 

The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all business meetings and Board of  Directors meetings. The Secretary shall distribute copies of minutes from the  business meetings to the membership. 

Section 6.

Duties of the Treasurer 

The Treasurer shall keep the accounts, receive and deposit all funds of the  Association, pay all expenses authorized by the Board of Directors, and report to  the membership at the fall and spring conferences. 


Section 1. 

The Board of Directors shall include officers provided for in the Articles of  Incorporation and directors.  

Section 2.

The Board of Directors shall manage the business and affairs  of the Association. Each Board member shall have a vote at Board meetings. 

Section 3.

Director positions shall consist of the following: 

a. Communications (2) 

b. Wisconsin Education Career Access Network (WECAN)/Wisconsin  Educational Recruitment Fair (WERF) 

c. Professional Development (3) 

d. Legislative (1) 

e. Bylaws 

Each Director’s term shall be for three years and conclude following the spring  conference in the year of expiration.  The terms will be staggered for each of the two Communications and  Professional Development positions.  The President may appoint new board members and special committees as  deemed necessary to fulfill organizational needs. 


Section 1.

The Board of Directors of WASPA may employ an Executive  Director. 

Section 2.

Duties of the Executive Director 

a. The Executive Director shall function to promote the goals and  objectives of WASPA. 

b. The Executive Director shall have day-to-day responsibility for the  organization; maintaining the association’s mailing address and phone. The Executive Director will coordinate conferences, attend  all board meetings, report on the activities of the organization, and  shall be the central contact of association’s organization and  business. Terms of employment, remuneration, description of duties  and performance evaluation shall be delineated by the Board of  Directors. 

Section 1.


The Board of Directors of WASPA is empowered to prepare a budget on  an annual basis. The Board shall present an annual budget to the membership  for a vote at the spring conference. The fiscal year shall run July 1 through June  30. 

Section 2.


The financial records of the Association shall be audited annually by the  Audit Committee appointed by the President-Elect pursuant to Article II, Section  3. The results of such annual audit will be reported at the fall conference. 

Section 3.

Dues and Voting 

a. Annual dues, payable by the fall conference, are requisite to remain  a member in good standing. The membership year shall extend  from July 1 through June 30. 

b. Dues cover an unlimited number of members from the same  educational organization pursuant to Article I, Section 2. 

c. Special assessments may be authorized by the Board of Directors. 

d. Payment of organizational affiliation dues may be authorized by the  Board of Directors. 

e. Annual dues shall be determined by the Board of Directors. Dues  may be adjusted upon recommendation of the Board of Directors  and approval by a majority vote of the members eligible and present  at the spring conference business meeting.

f. Each dues-paying member organization shall have one vote. If  There are multiple members, one member is to be designated to receive the ballot and/or communicate the organization’s vote. 


Section 1.

The Association shall annually hold a fall and a spring  conference. Additional conferences may be held. 

Section 2.

The program agenda and the time and place for holding  conferences shall be determined by the President Elect, Past President and Executive Director  with the approval of the Board of Directors. 

Section 3.

In addition to the foregoing, the President is authorized to call  special meetings as needed. 

Section 1. Nominations 

Nominations for Association officers shall be made by a Nominating Committee  of three members appointed and chaired by the Immediate Past President. The  Committee shall solicit recommendations regarding candidates from the  membership and prepare a slate of candidates from among the Active members  for each office with no person being a candidate for more than one office. The nominating committee will make a recommendation from the candidates based on eligibility factors, including but not limited to active participation in WASPA and WASPA sponsored events.  

Section 2. Elections 

Election of Association officers shall be conducted prior to the spring conference  with each member organization receiving one ballot. New officers shall assume  their duties at the close of the spring conference. 


Section 1.

The Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws may be amended at  a general membership business meeting by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members eligible and present, provided: 

a. That proposals to amend the Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws are initiated by an active member in good standing; and, 

b. That proposals to amend the Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws are  delivered in writing by the proposer to the Secretary not later than  one week preceding the general membership business meeting at  which the vote is to take place; and, 

c. That each active member receives a copy of the proposed  amendment or amendments prior to said business meeting. 


In all matters of parliamentary procedure not covered by these Bylaws, the  Association shall be governed by the provisions of (the current edition of)  Robert's Rules of Order. 

 Updated 4/28/2023 - Latest changes adopted March 22, 2023